Friday, February 11, 2011

The month that was..

This is a post that I've been wanting to do 10 days ago..Anyways, better later than never..

The month, the new year dawned bright, with new resolutions and all. But, somehow, all the introspection seemed to fly out of the doors and windows the very first day when I got upset over something very silly. Still, excused myslef for that day, but still, the moodiness continued on day 2 also. However, I still didnt relent and gave myself the 2nd excuse..Went to office on Day3 , only to come back home to be wistful about when my time to be belessed with a baby was going to come..

Spent the rest of the first week speaking up and voicing my concerns to 2 of my closest friends and felt a little better at the end of first week. I was supposed to be looking out for other job opportunities, but having a baby overtook everything else and I was obsessed with it, as usual..2nd week of the previous month saw me fighting out within myself against all the negative thoughts and emotions and it was Pongal time . We attended a coleague's sisters engagement and went to parents place to celebrate Kanu Pongal and dad's star birthday. 3rd week saw me enrolling myself in a carft class , which I've been planning to attend for a loong loong time now. At work too, inspite of not doing enough work the first 2 weeks, I caught up the third week and saw me completing stuff , that too new work at jet speed . 4th week saw me planning for the upcoming trip to temples.

I was this close to enrolling for swimming classes last month, but dropped it in the last minute .

So, highlights of the month:

1) Enroling for craft class
2) learn new standard,language at work and break inertia to get work done in this area.

could have been better/ need to work on:
1) remain optimistic at the most difficult times.

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