Sunday, October 23, 2011

Knock Knock

I've been stung by bloggers block, if I can call myself a writer, in the first place.Otherwise, the blog hopping and reading is on full swing as usual..just that I dont find myself motivated enough to pen. Added to that, not many happening stuff at my end, just surviving with full days at work, trying to pep myself up and trying hard to keep my faith levels to point northward.

Since its that time of the year where the whole of India is outside homes , doing shopping for everything under the sun, we also joined the bandwagon. One thing that I was quite puzzled at was regarding the kind of clothes kids aged 10 prefer to wear. We were hunting to buy a frock for M's niece who is of 10 years (first of all, I dont know if frocks are not meant to be worn by 10 year olds..) . This is no exageration that even for my own wedding shopping or for any other ocassion, I havent visited so many shops as I dint for the frock last week before picking one for myself. Either the shops dont have frocks for 10 year olds, or have 1 or 2 of them wjose length would come upto 5 inches above the knees or have midis which are of the same length as the shorts. Finally picked on one and by this time, all my energy for the days shopping had drained.

Do girls of this age wear clothes that are well above their knees and is that the reason why the retailers are catering to their tastes? We are in India, where still eve teasing is prevalent and where still girls/women are harassed , where it is still unsafe to travel alone or in a group at night. Anyways, I picked one and put all these questions to rest. I will figure out what to do when I have a daughter :) !